It was predicted many times in science fiction, but we now live in a world where virtual reality is becoming a mainstream option, of which Sony is expected to become the leader. Technology has reached a pivotal point to which VR can be ideally supported. Sony’s message was clear; they wanted to enter the race with a device that was affordable, high quality and would provide access to plenty of great content. This review takes a look over my personal views. Let’s get started.
Firstly, as you begin to open the rather large box, you’ll find a variety of wires, a processor unit, a power cord, stereo headphones and, of course, the headset itself. Those who haven’t read about the setup before purchasing might be a little surprised by this, as I can imagine some people might expect it to plug straight in using one or two wires. You should also note that you’ll need the PS4 Camera, if you don’t already own it. The PlayStation Move Motion Controllers
are not compulsory, but are a recommended companion to PS VR. It’s very simple to setup and the manual is clear for those who need any help.
You’ll want to go through the basic on-screen setup and updates, configuring the camera and headset. Now comes the exciting part; trying out your new toy. Holding down a rear button allows you to adjust how the device will fit on your head. Once it’s on you’ll find it comfy. The bundle comes with a demo disc which features a variety of VR Worlds – they are designed to give you a little taster as to what PS VR is capable of.
Once you enter the VR Worlds game menu, this itself will put an instant smile on your face. It’s instantly a magical experience, moving your head quickly makes you realise why the device is called what it is. It feels so real and your mind is truly tricked into believing you are inside the game – and for me, at this point, I knew that Sony’s promise was delivered. You can use the controller to hit the spheres within the menu, and the effect is rather amazing. You wouldn’t think a game menu would be some captivating, but it certainly was.
Next it was time to select one of the experiences on offer, so I opted for Ocean Decent. This experience showcases what it’s like to be in a cage lowering beneath the depths of the ocean. It gets your head turning, as you admire the sea creatures and marine life alike. From here, as you delve into the other experiences, such as Headmaster, which was fun, and The London Heist, which was loaded with action, you’ll find that PS VR was worth waiting for.
Is PlayStation VR realistic? Absolutely. Some have questioned how it might perform, but I can say that it works fantastically well. Is it comfortable? Yes. Are you left feeling dizzy after taking it off? I can say that this wasn’t the case with the games that I have played so far, however, I would imagine ultra-fast paced games would possibly leave you a little sick. You should probably expect horror games to be a key genre, this is because it fits perfectly for such a device. Think of it like this, if you go on a rollercoaster at a theme park, it makes you feel a little tipsy shortly afterwards, you’ll possibly find the same happens with the VR alternative – and actually that’s good, because it’s realistic.
With a huge list of titles incoming, I’m really keen to try out many other experiences. Developers are sure to get quite creative and bring out some stunning content that allows players to engage like never before.
Another area I was concerned about was whether VR as an entity would be some kind of fad. We’ve seen it before, where something appears good on paper, but in practice it just doesn’t equate to the success it was designed to garner. 3D TV is one such example. I’d put it like this; PS VR is likely to be something you use on a weekly basis, but the TV is sure to still be a major part in your PS4 enjoyment. Think of it as an extension to your gameplay, not a replacement to your television.
Your headset will always be available for upcoming experiences, and we should all be expecting some very special environments, worlds and concepts to step into.
Due to popular demand, PlayStation VR is out of stock with retailers. Fresh stock is expected to be replenished in November, so if you’d like to get your head on it before Christmas, then my advice is to get on the list and order yours now. The product is already selling for large sums of money on eBay, as you’d expect.
Finally, PS VR delivers on every front. If you’ve been waiting to own a VR headset, then this is the one to go for, as it excels in every department including value. It performs well, hasn’t caused any motion sickness, the tasters were great, and the upcoming list of releases is more than enough to keep you busy over the Christmas season and beyond.
Jay is the Founder / Admin and Editor in Chief here at PS4 Home. Jay is dedicated to gaming, blogging & web enterprise.
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