Author: PS4 Home

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Ever since they were created, video games have captured the imaginations of millions and become one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. The most famous titles often enjoy success beyond the console, with many video games influencing online casino slots, movies, TV shows, and more. Often people have sentimental memories of their earlier years playing video games on consoles like Atari, SEGA, Game Boy, PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Xbox, PS2, and the latest machines including Xbox X and PS5. What Are Online Casino Slots? Online casino slots are the digital version of classic slot machines. These are…

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Gaming is an excellent way to spend your leisure time, and this has become very common all around the world. It is not only the youngsters, but even adults love to play their favorite games on their favorite consoles. One of the best gaming consoles is the PS4. To play on the PlayStation 4 without interruption, your controller should be adequately charged. Without adequate power, you will encounter glitches in some control commands, sending you into a meltdown. It takes only around 2 whole hours to attain full charge, giving you more game-playing time. You can purchase different chargers for…

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The popularity of skateboarding has always come in peaks and troughs, but it has maintained an unprecedented level of popularity since the 1990s. At this time, hip-hop culture integrated itself into the skateboarding world, bringing a more sleek aesthetic into the culture that has given it greater visibility around the world. If you’re interested in learning more about skating video games and how one of the world’s most popular skateboarders influenced the gaming industry, then read on to find out more! Where did it start? The X Games is undoubtedly a big part of this rise in popularity, but a…

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As befits one of the longest-lasting and most successful gaming brands in the world, Playstation has provided us with many amazing IPs over the years. From Horizon Zero Dawn to Ratchet and Clank and Spiderman, the exclusive titles that the company has released have covered pretty much every conceivable genre of game. There is no sign of that ending any time soon either, with Playstation looking comfortably placed to keep delivering must-play exclusive titles. The company has competed well against everything from RPGs to first-person shooters and casino companies offering a variety of exciting poker gaming tournaments. The question of…

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Monsters grab all the attention in PS4 horror video games, and the more obnoxious and terrifying they are, the more desperate everyone is to meet them. Some of the scariest monsters have haunted many a sleepless nightmare while definitely marching onwards to become legendary figures in online gaming. Why are horror games so popular? Part of the human psyche has always loved being scared to death by horror tales. Extreme suspense and acute danger played out amongst the eeriest settings produce a massive kick of adrenaline that’s hard to resist. Interactive video games always have the edge over horror films.…

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The PS5 is arguably the best gaming console on the planet, but how much do you really know about it? There are tons of cool hidden features that we think most people have no idea about. In this article, we’ll be sharing 6 things you didn’t know your PS5 could do. Whether you play autumn-themed games or consider yourself a hardcore COD player, these features will definitely come in useful for any PS5 gamer. 1. You can change the stand Did you know that your PS5 has a detachable stand and can be changed? Unlike the other leading consoles on…

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At a time when the vast majority of gamers are playing just for fun, some players are taking to the stage to compete for prize money. Mobile eSports isn’t as popular as regular eSports, like Vulkan bet, the site for Dota 2 live betting Vulkan supports young teams just starting to play the cyber game. But be that as it may, the biggest games offer rewards ranging from several thousand dollars to several million. If you’re interested in multiplayer games, or mobile competitive games, this is the one for you. Read on to choose the game you like. Mobile Legends:…

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Nothing invokes the memories of some of gaming’s most incredible moments faster than listening to the soundtracks of your favorite games. The PS4 era not only gave us a lot of incredible games to enjoy, but a lot of unforgettable musical motifs. In this post, we take a look at some of the best PS4 game soundtracks of all time. You can visit a PlayStation forum to discuss these soundtracks with other fans and discover and share more of your favorite PS4 game soundtracks. 1. God of War – Bear McCreary The soundtrack of 2018’s God of War is an…

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Ever since they were created, video games have captured the imaginations of millions and become one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. The most famous titles often enjoy success beyond the console, with many video games influencing online casino slots, movies, TV shows, and more. Often people have sentimental memories of their earlier years playing video games on consoles like Atari, SEGA, Game Boy, PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Xbox, PS2, and the latest machines including Xbox X and PS5. What Are Online Casino Slots? Online casino slots are the digital version of classic slot machines. These are…

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Simulation games are one of the most played games around the world. They make you feel like you are inside the game by giving you the ability to control almost every activity. Some simulation games are developed for the purpose of analysis, training, prediction, etc. These games try to copy real-life situations and incorporate them so that they will feel as accurate as possible. Some forms of simulation games are sports sim games, construction and management, life simulation, etc. Today, together with Autozin, leader of the car sales online we have make ready the top 5 sim racing games in…

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Online gaming is a massive target for cybercriminals. Online gaming accounts can be easy targets because gamers don’t protect them well enough. Read more about what you can do to keep your PS4 account safe. It’s become very important for online gamers to consider cybersecurity. The Playstation Network has had a few security failures through the years, so you need to secure your own data as well as you possibly can. To keep your PS4 account safe, there are a few different things that you can do. Check out the best tips here. Choose a safe password A simple, but…

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Basic Poker Strategy Tips for Beginners – If you’re new to poker, it’s important to learn some basic strategy tips. First and foremost, remember that poker is a game of math — the odds are always in your favor if you make the right decisions. Secondly, try to play tight and only bet when you have a good hand. And finally, be patient and don’t get emotional while playing.  If you can follow these basic tips, you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful poker player. This blog post will discuss a few of the most important strategy tips…

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Registering at websites can be a cumbersome task. Filling in your email address, a username, and coming up with a strong password are the minimum requirements for creating most user profiles. And if you forget the passport, have fun doing part of the process again. Some websites or online services require even more information, like online casinos. There, you must provide the above and personal information such as first and last name, address, and phone number. Luckily, there is a thing called OAuth 2.0, which makes this process a lot easier. OAuth is an open Internet protocol that securely allows…

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Survival games have soared in popularity in recent years and I am not complaining. It’s a genre that has gotten a lot of attention lately because of some really good games and some really bad games. There doesn’t seem to be a middle ground for survival titles. Looking at the worst games might be funny but let’s be real, you wanna know which ones you should go out and buy. And that is exactly what I’m going to give you. Let’s get started: The Last of Us Remastered If you don’t know about this one, you’ve been living under a…

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If you are a gamer, you may have noticed that a growing number of video games include in-game casino games. These features are gaining popularity amongst video gamers. But why do so many video games include casino features? Gaming is more popular than ever before. However, the same could be said about gambling. Subsequently, the two industries influence each other. The gaming industry and the gambling industry are more or less fighting over the same customers. People who enjoy playing video games are more likely to enjoy gambling and vice versa. As a result, a lot of video games have…

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The release of the FIFA 23 video game will mark the final installment in the massively successful link between EA Sports and FIFA, but will it go out with a classic version of the title? Fans are already looking forward to this new game, so let’s take a look at what it should offer us. The Introduction of Women’s Soccer With Chelsea FC player Sam Kerr shown alongside Kylian Mbappé on the cover of the game, it’s clear that this title is where the women’s sport finally gets a chance to shine. This could be perfect timing, as next year’s…

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If you’re looking to make a graphics card purchase you’ve probably noticed that you’re spoilt for choice. If you’re not sure where to put your money, don’t fret. We have put together a list of the best graphics card 2022 has to offer. Read on to explore our top picks. Where to Look What you buy depends on what you want the card to do, what your budget is, and how serious you are about your graphics. You can see the best graphics card 2022 has to offer on the linked guide which has a thorough round-up. They have thousands…

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Despite the dominance of the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, casinos are still as popular as ever. Nowadays, you can play casino games online as well as at land-based casinos. This has helped to drive the industry, as people like the idea of playing casino games on their smartphones and PCs instead of having to travel somewhere to do it. So, if you’re thinking about taking a trip to a casino or playing casino games online, these PlayStation games will help to inspire and prepare you. GTA V Online Firstly, there’s GTA V online. Released back in 2013, this game…

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Online gaming is one of the biggest areas in contemporary video gaming, and gaming websites are a hugely important element of this kind of gaming. This is good for gaming websites, and there is plenty of traffic looking to find a gaming website to have fun on. However, it also means that there is stiff competition for this web traffic. You’ll have to make sure that your website has some of the most important elements to properly attract these users to your site. 1. Great Games Hands down, the most important element of any gaming website is the fact that…

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The PS4 is one of the greatest selling consoles of all time, having sold over 116 million units worldwide. Of course, there have been truly iconic games released on this platform. Within these games, there have also been some iconic casino scenes and moments. This guide is going to provide you with a run-down of the best PS4 games that feature casino scenes. If you’ve never tried these games before, you’ll definitely want to by the end of the guide! GTA V GTA V is widely regarded as the greatest game ever created. Released back in 2013, it took the…

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In-game traveling is very important, especially for a game like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This is why developers include mounts (horses) where players can travel faster from point A to point B without wasting any time. When it comes to choosing the perfect horse in Skyrim, there are a few things to consider. The most obvious way to start is to check out the stats of some of the horses. Each horse comes with different abilities translated through their stats, making them unique for different things. Just like when betting on the 2022 Belmont Stakes, in Skyrim, you also…

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To start with, nobody is here to tell you which of the Final Fantasy games are epic and which are forgettable. It is fair to say that your enjoyment of each game is dependent upon several things, from how much free time you have, to what sort of mood you are in. At the very least, we can agree that they are almost all very different, they are not like the copy-pasted stuff we see from FIFA and Call of Duty. The reason for this article is because of the recent release of “Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.” It…

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The advent of the online casino made a big impact on gambling enthusiasts because of its accessibility and convenience. Modern technology paved the way for the house of gambling to be achievable, making this type of gaming a trend in the online business industry. What is Pay N’ Play Casino? Pay N’ Play kasino is an online casino account wherein a player can automatically start betting without making a registration. A Bank Id is needed to play this account which is provided to the player when using Trusty. It is also known as No Registration and is considered a…

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Many free-to-play games have one feature in common — they offer lots of internal items. Brawlhalla follows the noble path of cosmetics, where your purchases and rewards do not give additional power. It’s fair play, but it still has some traps. One of the biggest is the intention to get everything. It’s a great thing to do in a Pokémon adventure, but not in a game where new cosmetics give the development company means to support the whole project — the stream of items is endless. Another one is ignoring cosmetics totally. It’s a path to missing a big chunk…

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For many years, PlayStation fans have been assured of exciting exclusive game releases from Sony. When you look back at PlayStation’s original games such Metal Gear and Final Fantasy VII, it’s easy to understand how they’ve continued to hold on to loyal fans with these thrilling titles. In 2022, things will be no different. In this article we’ll take a close look at this year’s most anticipated PlayStation exclusive games, with some being console-exclusive to PS4 and PS5. Get ready for a great adventure with games like Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine, as well as Forspoken and Little Devil Inside.…

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Don’t you just hate it when you are gaming and you have a high ping? Of course, you do because a high ping can destroy any fun online. If you have a high ping, you will likely be experiencing a lot of lag throughout the game. It doesn’t matter what genre of game you are playing: MMOs, shooters, MOBAs, or fighters. Your gaming experience will be frustrating if you play with a high ping. It will also leave you at a disadvantage. No one wants to play a competitive game at a disadvantage to other players. Lucky for you, there…

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Most traditional gamers have a very clear-cut idea of online casinos. Some people think they’re fun, others are not into it at all, while others are hardcore fans. Some of the people who don’t like online casinos may have legitimate reasons for it, but in many cases, the reluctance comes from misconceptions. If your issue is with gambling in general, then we respect your opinion. But, if you assume that online casinos can’t offer the same level of excitement as traditional gaming or you think online casinos are a scam, think again. Let’s take a look at some of the…

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Modern video gaming has come a long way since the first Space Invaders tournament. Today, electronic gaming represents one of the fastest-growing markets. Esports market revenues went well over a billion dollars and will continue rising in the long term. People of all ages enjoy playing video games today. Some look at gaming as a leisure pastime, while others utilize video games as the main source of income. Still, desktop computers aren’t the only devices you can use to enjoy your favorite games. The popularity of esports games on ps4 is also increasing. PlayStation 4 sales in Europe reached 48…

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Playing Call of Duty Warzone has never been a picnic kind of task, especially if you’re aiming to get some wins. Warzone is a tasking game that demands a level of focus and attention, even as a pro gamer. So, don’t worry if you’re facing repeated losses in your game; you’re not the worst gamer there is on Warzone. There are several that can easily make you lose your game and end up in the Gulag as in recent games. In this article, we will be pointing out 6 reasons why you’re losing in Warzone and some things you can…

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Apex Legends places so much emphasis on playing the objective and killing any enemy that stands between you and the objective. But, you can’t get the objective if you don’t survive long enough to execute your mission. So, believe us, surviving in the game will need you to utilize any chances or advantage you can get. So, in this article, we will be giving you a guide that will keep you long enough for that long-awaited victory. Furthermore, we recommend that you visit # Battlelog for undetected Apex Legends cheats to help you win the game. Tips and tricks that…

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Playstation is a video game console created by a former Sony executive Ken Kutaragi and now the CEO of AI Entertainment. It is built for gamers to play video games at home and was developed by Sony Computer Entertainment in Japan on December 3, 1994. It has five home video game consoles, a media center, two handhelds, a smartphone, multiple magazines, and a media center. It is composed of different generations one, two, three, four, five, slim and pro. It is said that Play station was created for the clients to have an idea about the broadband environment where they…

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